Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Berry-lisciou Dessert that brought HUGE smiles

A few days ago, my mom and girls went to Publix.  My youngest was looking at their recipe cards, and found one called Berry Cheesecake Parfait.  And she showed her sister and my mom, deciding that its something that I can make for sis.  Sis showed me and when I finally had the chance to really look at the ingredients later that night, I agreed.  With some modifications, I could make this and get pretty close.  Sis was SO excited!  When I say excited, I mean EXCITED!!!!!!  She is quite limited on her foods due to her food-induced eczema, and if I don't make it, basically she can't have it.  I'm sure desserts get pretty boring for her, and I think that is her favorite meal.  She has quite the sweet tooth.  Publix's recipe can be found here.  I will also give you the substitutions that I did so Sis can eat it.  I call it Berry-liscious parfait.


2 cups mixed berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries)
2-3 TBS honey
1 (8 oz) kefir, strained
1 – 1 ½ cups fresh whipped cream
½ cup graham cracker crumbs

Rinse and drain berries. I put them in separate bowls, but you don't have too.  The raspberries were fresh, and the blackberries and blueberries were frozen. 
 Place graham crackers in food processor and pulse until crumbs of desired size.  These are homemade using a variation of this recipe.  (I used chickpea flour (it's the only flour Sis can have) in place of almond flour and honey in place of yacon syrup.  I did have to add a few ounces of apple juice until it came together in a workable dough.)  If you don't have graham crackers, or prefer not to take the time to make them, you could also make a "strudel"-type topping, by mixing flour and butter with a pastry blender to course crumbs and then lightly toasting them in the oven.  Gluten free flours work great for this.   
  Strain kefir through coffee filter to drain as much whey as possible. Should be atleast the consistency of yogurt, or a little thicker. Or you can use cream cheese or plain yogurt.   Mix honey and strained kefir in a bowl. 
Using electric mixer, whip the cream.  You can use store bought heavy whipping cream for this, if you don't have non-homogenized milk on hand.  (Since the milk-fat isn't dispersed throughout the milk, the cream will naturally rise to the top.  And, in my opinion, makes a much better tasting whipped cream.)  Since Sis is only allowed raw milk, I used the cream that separated from the milk.   It's a little heavier than whipped cream made from store bought heavy whipping cream, but the results are the same.  :)

                                                                                                                                                            In parfait glasses, layer in this order: kefir mixture, graham cracker crumbs, berries, whipped cream. Repeat layers, ending with whipped cream and a few berries for garnish. 
I think this picture says it all!!  Sis has so much fun making this, and enjoyed eating it even more.  Matter of fact, she had seconds!  Ya know, the best part was, I didn't mind her having more because of what it was made out of. 
And, Li'l Sis got to assemble her parfait as well.

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